Okay so I know I have been really lazy lately and have not posted anything. The last few months have been very busy and very draining. I don't know what it is but this pregnancy is kicking my butt. I have never struggled so much with being tired, soar, and sick. However I am starting to see light at the end of the tunnel so hopefully the next four to five weeks will go by quickly.
Over the last two and a half months Treyson has begun to say so many words. I can't believe how big he is getting and how much he reminds us of Zander at this age, but he deffinatly has his own sweet personality. He is the biggest tease. The child teases the whole time he is awake. His new phrase is Kibey Kibey which in English means Hurry Hurry! It is so cute when he says it because he is usually very excited because we are going somewhere. He is a major Daddy's boy (which I LOVE) and can't wait to hang out with Daddy when he gets home from work.
Zander has had an eventful two months. He turned five in January and just recently registered for Kindergarten. I can't believe the day has come that he is going to be going to the Crayon School as he calls it. He is getting so big and is such a good big brother. He is very excited for the baby to come and comes up with a different name each day that we can name the baby. He is a very intelligent little boy and already gives me a run for my money. The other day I took him into the Doctor's office for his five year old well child check and he had both the nurse and Doctor tongue tied. He fist started by telling the nurse how to take his blood pressure and what he would feel and exactly why she needed to take it. He has never had it done and has never been to any Dr appointments with us so we have no idea where he learned this. The nurse was so impressed that a five year old could explain something so complex that she went and told the Doctor. The Dr came in and said I hear you are a pretty smart little boy and Zander said "Yes I am". Then the Dr started asking him about riding his bike and said you probably still ride with training wheeles rights. Zander looked at him with utter disbelief and said NO I don't and I am faster then a car on my bike. The Dr then asked him if he wore a helmet to which Z replied I don't need a helmet becasue I am FAST! (Yes he is required to ware a helmet, and no I don't know where the child was coming up with these things) The Dr then tried to point out a few cenerios why a helmet would be need and Z had something to say about every single one of them. Finally the doctor gave up and looked at me like this is your battel to fight not mine.
After he was done with the check up he gave Zander a book about Snakes and said do you like snakes and of course the answer was YES. The doctor then told him the book was about a greedy snake that didn't share and ate everything he saw, he said you will have to read it at home with your Mom to find out what happens. Then Zander piped up and said don't worry I don't need to do that I already know. The snake is going to get really sick becasue he eats everything he sees because he is so greedy. The Doctor looked at me and said well that pretty much just ruined the ending of the book. Needless to say by the time we left, the dr and nurse couldn't stop laughing. What a kid he is a little to smart for his own good!
As far as the baby goes if anyone has any cute boys names that they would like to suggest we would love to hear them. I don't know what it is but we can't seem to agree on any names. We like different names and want something that will fit in with both Zander and Treyson. If you can't think of any different names you can leave a comment and tell us your favorite name out of these three.
Xaiver (Brandon's pick) Yuck
15 years ago
Defenitly Brig!!!!!!
I would have to go with Daxton or Brig (sorry Brandon). In fact, Brig is on my list of boy names if we ever have one. :)
Love the name Daxton! I also have heard of Axton and Nakeadan. They are different.
Brig is a good choice!
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