So this year we decided that we would take a family vacation close to home since Brig is still small and has a hard time traveling. We went to Cherry Hill and stayed there in our trailer and while we were there we went to the Dinosaur Museum, Cherry Hill water park of course, Temple Square, Hogel Zoo, The Living Planet Aquarium, The Children's Museum, and last of all Build a Bear Workshop. We decided vacations are always more fun with lot of people so ended up inviting all of my family and everyone was able to go. The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins, and it was great to see all of my sisters and parents. The kids were in Heaven at the dinosaur museum they had a big play land and life size dinosaurs. They also had a place where the kids could dig for bones. We were lucky and picked the best day to go to the water park Thurs was the only day it wasn't cold and stormy so it turned out nice it did storm in the afternoon but everyone had, had their fill of water so it was okay. The boys were mesmerized with Temple Square and loved seeing the Temple. Treyson was so excited to go to the zoo and see the monkeys, and Zander was so excited to go to the aquarium and touch the sting rays. The last day we went to the children's museum and the kids had so much fun. The build a bear workshop was my favorite. Each of the boys were so excited to be able to do their own tiger and snow leopard animal. They even got to name them and give them a bath. All in all it was a great vacation and we all had a lot of fun.
your kids are beyond cute. i'm glad you guys had fun!
Looks like you guys had fun! We can't wait to hopefully see you guys soon.
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