Saturday, October 24, 2009


It has been so long since I have last blogged. I know I am a slacker. This summer has been very busy and eventful. We are happy to annouce that we will soon become a family a five. We had a bit of a surprise come our way but we are excited. I went to the Doctor the other day and the baby looks great. They did an ultrasound and the whole time the baby was waving and moving all around. I was a little surprised that you could see so much detail. I didn't realize that the baby already had arms and fingers. It is almost completely developed it just needs time to grow. I always feel so amazed with this whole process. They moved my due date up because the baby was bigger then expected which was fine with me. I am due May 5, 2010! Here is a picture of the baby, I couldn't get it to come out as clear as it is in the original picture. Oh well you can still see a little bit.


Syndee said...

So exciting! Love it! Hoping you have a girly! Even though you make handsome boys.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Congratulations! That's so exciting. I'm hoping for a girl too. Hope you're feeling ok!

Todd and Julie said...

Yea!! I am so excited for you guys! I hope you are feeling okay. I think May is the perfect month to have a baby. Let me know if you need anything.

MEGAN said...

Congratulations! Hope you are feeling well. That is very exciting news.

Christy said...

I know you don't know me, but Brandon does. My name is Christy Holt (I used to be Christy Reese) and I am very excited for you guys! We are expecting in May also, although at the end of the month. Very exciting!

Jodi said...

Congrats! It looks like we are all pregnant together again. I hope you are feeling good.

Carolyn said...

Wow, that's fantastic! Congratulations!